Monday, September 24, 2018

Beresinia Campaign Game 3 - Disrupt Supply Lines - Tyranids vs Adeptus Astartes

Count Xuvorov's adventurous spirit has led him to travel throughout the Imperium, and even beyond, over the years. Some of these journeys have taken him to forbidden locations and into illegal and heretical contact with vile xenos species. In fact, after Count Xuvorov's successful uprising to overthrow the imperial governor of Beresinia, imperial authorities might have simply looked the other way (provided tithes still were made on schedule) if not for the rumors of the Count's fascination with xenos and his frequent illegal explorations.

Count Xuvarov often returns from his journeys laden with rare xenos artifacts or ancient human archeotech. On one such unsanctioned journey, he returned to Beresinia with more than he bargained for. A small Tyranid organism stowed away on a landing shuttle and was brought aboard the count's ship back to Beresinia, where it made its escape. Alone and bereft of the guiding presence of the Hive Mind, being beyond the reach of the nearest hive fleet, the creature was left to follow its rudimentary instincts.

The creature set about devouring any biomass it could find, while avoiding contact with Beresinia's inhabitants. Eventually it found a suitable nesting location in a long abandoned ruin, and began to hibernate. Over time it metamorphosized into Tyranid warrior, emerging into the ruins of the city of St. Basilovsk, now an active warzone. At night the warrior would creep through the ruins gathering the biomass of stragglers or small groups of refugees. The local populace came to refer to the mysterious monster that hunted them as the Nightmare Slayer.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Kingdom Death Monster - Olympus Year 22

Aphrodite and Artemis prepare to take two other survivors, Romulus and Remus, out on their first hunt. They will seek out a young phoenix so they can start building up the resources needed to build a suit of phoenix armor. Aphrodite wears screaming armor and a forsaker mask, and carries the steel sword and a beacon shield. Artemis wears rawhide armor and is armed with a cat gut bow and claw head arrow. Romulus also wears rawhide armor. He also bears the cat eye circlet and carries a counter-weighted axe and beacon shield. Remus wears a full suit of lantern armor, giving him great confidence for his first hunt, and it armed with a whistling mace and some bone darts as backup.

As they begin their hunt, a creaky carriage approaches the survivors. Richly appointed in red and gold, the carriage is carved on every side with lurid faces. A massive eye adorns the front, while the door of the carriage is a waiting open mouth. Out of a small window, a gnarled hand beckons. The survivors decide not to risk entering the wagon. Upon entering the territory of the phoenix they are pursuing, the party is beset by a tunnel of gushing wind, but they lock arms and easily push through the gale.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Beresinia Campaign Game 2 - Assassinate

The unrest on Beresinia has attracted all kinds of unwanted attention to the otherwise pedestrian feudal world. Since the planet has been in open conflict with Imperial authorities, several warbands of heretic astartes are taking advantage of the situation to make trouble for the hated Imperium of Man. One such group is a small warband of Emperor's Children calling themselves the Song of the Primarch. These devout worshippers of Slaanesh have come to Beresinia to fulfil some inscrutable task known only to themselves and their obscene god. In pursuit of their divine goal, aspiring champion Abdelis Thest has lead the kill team of Emperor's Children into one of Beresinia's many active warzones. The heretics are now operating in and around the city of St. Basilovsk, where loyalist forces are currently engaged with some of the Beresinian rebels, including the private army of Count Xuvorov.

Operating within the city deep behind enemy lines, Kutuzov's Rangers have been delayed in their mission to deliver vital intelligence to their army's high command. A kill team of the Adeptus Astartes caught up with them and blocked their path, forcing them to fall back. Having lost some territory to the space marines, the rangers are forced to seek another route to reach their destination. In the meantime, they have discovered the chaos-worshipping heretics of the Emperor's Children operating nearby. Knowing they are too dangerous to leave unchecked in their mysterious mission, Colonel Kutuzov sends Ensign Jimmy's kill team to strike directly at their leader, hoping to disrupt their (presumably) nefarious plans.