Here are some pictures of my first unit of mounted Confederate Cavalry, intended to represent the 4th Tennessee Cavalry. The figures, as usual, are 10mm GHQ. The horses I painted pretty much the same as I did the Union cavalry horses, just using more variety in things like blanket colors. I changed up my technique when painting the riders. Instead of inking for shading, I primed black and tried to leave a thin black line between areas of different colors and in the deep recesses. I think it took me a lot longer, but it does look good. With practice I could probably get better at doing it faster, but I'm not sure if the extra effort is worth it. So, what do you think? Are these results worth the extra effort, or should I stick with the inking method?

I think the paint job looks sharper. Colors are more distinct kind of thing. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteI also thing you do a nice job with flocking. Not too much, just some texture.