Monday, November 21, 2016

Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin

Warhammer Quest
It has been a while since I've made any progress on the Warhammer Quest monsters, but I've finally completed a group of 12 Skaven Stormvermin. The paint job was pretty straightforward and similar to my previous Warhammer Quest Skaven, but for some reason it took a long time to get these finished. I suppose because I had other projects being worked on at the same time that I had more motivation to make progress on.

With these completed, I'm now very close to having the entire level 1 monster table painted, which you'd think would motivate me to work faster to reach that milestone. However, looking over the level 2 monster list and seeing how huge an undertaking that will be is somewhat discouraging. But I suppose I've just got to keep plugging away at it. Getting all the monsters painted for Warhammer Quest was always going to be a huge undertaking. Certainly a marathon, not a sprint, so I'll have to accept that there will be periods of relative inactivity. In any case, have a look at the Stormvermin below and let me know what you think.

Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin
Warhammer Quest Skaven Stormvermin


  1. Agreed; encouraging me to finish off my own collection, which tends to themed dungeons over classic WHQst RNG tables :)

  2. I'm embarking on a quest to finally get my own OG WHQ set painted, and I think I'm going to go the same route you did and go with the clear bases. They look great!
