Monday, April 13, 2009

Nemesis Crown Campaign: Battle 3

Urgwart started 'is Waaagh deep in the forest. We started putt’in up some big rocks for Mork, and big Orcs and lots of 'itty gobbos from deep in 'dese trees came to the power of Waaagh Urgwart. ‘Dem pointy 'eads finks dey can sneak up on us and get us in our sleep. Dey don't know Mork watches over us! ‘Dem pointy 'eaded arrer's toss 'dere arrows at us from duh trees. Urgwart was angry and tried to wake up all the boyz for the Waaagh, but my boyz kept squabbl'in. Lots of boyz died and ran, but 'dem were da weak'uns. Urgwart knows them pointy 'eads can't fight up close. So dat's what we did. Once the boyz got in close, 'dem soft pointies got 'dere 'eads bashed in! 'Dem chariots crushed lotz of pointies, and even 'dem 'itty gobbo's stomped a bunch of 'em. 'Dem pointy magik wenches did nuff'in to stop Urgwart! Now lots of new boyz 'r show'in up, now 'dey know who Urgwart is! Urgwart is gett'in a big ol' army togevver, we gonna show 'dese pointies who's boss in ‘dese woods! WAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

High Elves
The orks were much more organized than expected. The attack was a complete failure dispite the valiant actions of the Shadow Warriors of Nagarythe, the green tide quickly overwhelmed us. The Death of Commander Anlec Drannagh was sorely felt by the warriors of Nagarythe, a commander of such pure heart is rarely found among our shadow kin.

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